Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


We went to the pumpkin patch this weekend... but we didn't go to just any pumpkin patch. We went to Roloff Farms, home to the Roloff family as featured on "Little People, Big World" on TLC.

In addition to picking our pumpkins (which included one for Luna, of course), we took a tour of the Western Town on their property. If you watch the show, you know what I'm talking about.

I was amazed at the attention to detail - each store had detailed props. My favorite was the post office, with little letter compartments filled with letters and parcels designed to look old-fashioned.

Chris' mom, sister, and I chatted with Molly Roloff a bit about the props. Though some of it was done by the family, they have an artistic designer who helps with the creativity.

After the tour, we picked our pumpkins. It amazes me that the family opens their home every day to millions of people who watch the show, and are still so welcoming to the thousands of visitors during pumpkin season. It was a great way to kick off our fall!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Who says he doesn't like dogs?!

Chris wasn't passionate about getting a dog. Now he loves Luna, as demonstrated here.

Cuter by the day

Luna is almost 30 pounds and too cute for words. She's all up in our business all the time, and as you can see I can't really do yoga at the house anymore because she insists in participating.


One of the groomsmen in our wedding got married two weeks ago. The wedding was absolutely beautiful - the location was a vineyard with Mt. Hood as the perfect backdrop.

Luna's First Camping Trip

A few weeks ago we went camping and hiking in Central Oregon. Luna did pretty well camping.
The coyotes kind of freaked her out in the middle of the night... but they kind of freak me out, too.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Playing in the sand

Here is a video of Luna at the dunes. She kept trying to chase the sand as it blew in the wind, and when they disappeared she kept digging to try and "find it."

Road Trip

My roommate from grad school and her husband were driving from Seattle to San Francisco and stopped by our place. Chris had a few days off work, so they let us crash their vacation and we joined them down to Redwoods National Park in California. We had so much fun! We drove along Highway 101 down the Oregon/California coast.

We learned Luna HATES sea lions... here she is trying to hide underneath me. They hang out on the docks, and make a lot of noise. I think the noise was the deal-breaker for the dog.

We stopped at Oregon Dunes State Park. I felt like we were on the set of Star Wars.

Redwoods National Park felt like we were in the Ewok village. There were also a lot of elk we kept running into on the road; Luna was thankfully well-behaved.

Yes, I am obsessed with my dog

Luna is demanding most of our attention... and Chris is constantly taking pictures! She is SO good in the car, though. She squeezes down on the floor in the backseat and just sleeps. Then she's all rested to be crazy dog when we get home.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A few more pictures

Here are a couple of pictures from when my parents were here. We went hiking... sort of. And there is a much better shot of Luna. My Dad somehow managed to get her looking at the camera.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Our new addition

We have a new "baby!" We adopted Luna on Friday, the same day my parents came to visit for a long weekend. It was hectic, but she's so cute! The puppy is pretty much ruling our lives (well, my life since I wanted her), which you expect with a puppy but are still never prepared for. She's a border collie/Australian shepherd... and for some reason she always turns away from the camera right as you're about to take a picture.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Oregon Coast

We spent the weekend with Chris' family on the Oregon Coast. It was beautiful and a little chilly, but that just meant I ate a lot of clam chowder!

Saturday, August 9, 2008


We spent some time the other day at a nearby Oregon State Park. The trail had 10 waterfalls, and it went through old-growth patches so the trees were HUGE.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

More Wedding Photos

Chris' mom sent a few more wedding photos.

Moloka'i Honeymoon

We just returned from spending a week in Hawaii on Moloka'i for our Honeymoon. It was beautiful!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Just Married!

It was a wonderful day... and the rain waited until a few hours after the ceremony! These are two photos from a friend, so we'll post more pictures and/or email out a link once we have them. (The first photo is me with my mom, dad, and brothers.) We're off to Hawaii for the rest of the week!

Friday, July 11, 2008

We're here!

So, we made it to Oregon. Nothing too exciting to report as of yet; we just got internet so we'll start posting pictures hopefully soon. We leave tomorrow for the wedding festivities, and then off to the honeymoon. I'll try to post some pictures of the wedding the day after, but no promises! We'll be back at the end of the month and I'll definitely and post pictures then.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Starting up

Chris and I are moving to Oregon, starting new jobs (well, hopefully I will!), and getting married all within the span of a month. As we are leaving family and friends in other parts of the U.S., we cracked and join the blog community so everyone can see how things are progressing. We'll keep everyone posted on new contact information once we have it!