Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A good reason to reduce, reuse and recycle

Obviously, this area is ripe with timber industry land. It's really shocking when you come upon a recent clear-cut, which is quite often if you get out around here. This one was on the way to the coast from our house. Save the trees, people!

Luna's Best Friend

I know - I write too much about the dog. Just wait until we have kids! But we dog-sat at the beginning of March for our neighbor's dog. His name is Cooper, which is funny because that was the name of our family's much loved and much missed yellow lab. Anyway, Luna and Cooper spent most of their time either chasing each other or playing tug-of-war. It was hilarious.


For a little over a month, we've had days where it will be almost 60 degrees and beautiful, only to give way to cold rain. But a while ago on one of those days we went hiking in the nearby state forest. Luna loves to hike - for some reason she really likes jumping and perching on fallen trees. She also saw her first herd of cows on this hike. She wanted to herd them... go figure.